Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Obtaining a Sustainable Society

There is a time where people wonder what the world is going to come to. Is there going to be a time where we run out of resources, or will we run out of room and become over populated? It is natural to wonder these types of questions. So we as humans need to come up with a solution on how we can maintain what we have now before it is gone and we have no future to look forward to. By doing this we can ensure that our children and our children’s children. In order to obtain a population that can be sustained, whether you live in an over populated area or you live in low population where no one wants to have children. There needs to be some kind of order established to control population anywhere. A country such as Italy has low birth rates; in order to bring them back up incentives need to be put in place to insure that people will want to have children. Another country with a problem with low birth rates is Germany. Us as a world need to find some kind of happy medium, where the policies are not to strict for people with lots of children and not as lenient and glorious to those who only have one. There are many ways Italy and Germany can bring up their population, offer more incentives to married couples that want to have more children. You might want to offer cheaper health care. Cheaper or no cost health care would be ideal for just about anyone. It think this could be the best and the worst thing to do. There would have to be strict rules and regulations upon receiving this type of health care. Free or little no cost health care, would need to be monitored for fraud and so some people could not purposely repopulate without concern for over population. Some people may even have children just knowing of all the benefits they will receive. I think that is just wrong. Another way to be able to raise birth rates would be to abolish abortions, nless it was going to be a medically necessary. I know a few people that would use abortion just as birth control and that is wrong. Not only are you killing God’s master piece, but you are disgusting. In my honest opinion, I think that abortion needs to be looked at more carefully in our own country. I think that there should be a medical reason to why someone may or may not need an abortion. There are struggling couples and countries that want to have children, and then you have the people who use it just because they are not ready or may be too young. Another thing to avoid low birth rates in Italy and Germany would be to make sure married couples make time to procreate. I know that sounds vial and a little bit forward but, if couples can’t make time to take care of their personal lives then how can you make a population grow. Sure there is the use of sperm banks and the use of fertility drugs but, nothing compares to good old fashion procreation. Not having time to reproduce can be affected by a decreasing in the economy and in the loss of jobs. I am not sure how the job market is over in Germany or Italy but, here it’s a little on the slow side. In conclusion, there are so many different reasons why a country will have low birth rates. Any one of these reasons can make any city or country crumble. I think that every man and woman should do their part to repopulate. I also think that certain people don’t need to have any more children. Like for instance, a person who has three to four children should not be able to receive assistance for all those children. In a highly populated area, a person should only receive benefits for a certain number of children. For a country with low birth rates, certain incentives should apply to a couple that wants to have more children.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay

According to Brougham (2009), â€Å"College women reported higher overall level of stress and greater use of emotion-focused coping strategies than college men† (Brougham, 2009, pg 85). Recent avoidance of my problems is not helping to solve them. As a college student, my two main stressors are family problems and night-eating. Considering that the old coping methods are not working, a new method needs to be taken into effect. College is a new setting for most students, especially the ones no longer living at home. The transition can be easy and worry-free, or a challenging and stressful time. Brougham states, â€Å"Growth and change were often accompanied by the experience of stress. The cause of stress varies from person to person. Overall there can be similarities such as ’academics, social relationships, finances, daily hassles and family relationships’ (Brougham, 2009, pg 86). As student, academics is the reason why we are in school; we are aiming to get ed ucated and to learn. Family relationships vary from student to student depending on how close the family is. My immediate family and extended family have such a close bond that when I am needed at home, I drop everything for them. Social relationships are smaller support systems individuals can count on. Finances all come down to economic status and a person’s unique financial aid package. Daily hassles range from what I should wear today to not having enough time in a day. The one that affects me the most since I have been growing up is family relationships. I was always taught to put family first and being in college has challenged me to the extreme because not being able to be there for my family when they need me most hurts. It was not until last year that I realized that my dad actually meant something to me. Since I was born until 2010 my dad was an alcoholic, therefore, my memorizes of him are usually negative. Recently since we have found out he has liver failure and he is constantly in and out of the hospital I do not know what else to do but love him. He is currently in the hospital right now and me being school pretending everything is okay just does not feel right. Even thought I had such strong dislike for him everything has changed for that reason and that is why I am his potential liver donor but it is hard to see him slowly struggle to live. For stress, the â€Å"five coping responses are self help, accommodation, approach, avoidance and self punishment† (Brougham, 2009, pg 87). Each type is associated with a positive or negative outcome: The goals of the coping responses are to: (1) self-help by sustaining  emotional well being, (2) approach stress using problem solving strategies, (3) accommodate stress through acceptance and reframing negative outcomes, (4) avoid st ress through denial and blaming others, and (5) self-punish through self-focused rumination and self blame (Brougham, 2009, pg 87). Some of these coping strategies are so hard to break away from if that is how one learned to deal with stress. Stress is not a positive word, but something that brings fear to people. I am constantly stressed, consequently, can never think straight and losing my focus at school. My dad has given me all the opportunities I have never had and even though he was not there for me when I was younger I would do anything for him. Even though I do not know how to cope with family problems I am willing to learn considering that the way I deal with my stress is a negative way usually. Now realizing there are other ways to worry, I would consider trying accommodation. The reasoning behind that coping strategy is that one needs to constantly remind themselves to not think negatively. Hurting yourself is just so much easier than thinking positively. Brougham claims that â€Å"avoidance and self-punishment coping strategies were associated with greater negative outcomes† (Brougham, 2009, pg 87-88). The reason for this is because we do not know any other way to cope. My way of thinking is hard to change, but there has to be change in order to get somewhere in life instead of continuing bad habits. The second stressor correlates to stress: night-eating. â€Å"The transition into college life has been associated with weight gain† (Wichianson, 2009, pg 236). The infamous â€Å"freshman fifteen† refers to the fifteen pounds freshmen in college tend to gains. One main reason for this is because college students tend to eat at night. From my experienced I gained my fifteen pounds yet it was so hard to stop eating. When I was invited to eat at midnight I was always willing to go never realizing how bad that was for me. â€Å"Poor coping and high levels of stress resulting from such a transition make students prone to engage in problematic eating behaviors such as nigh-eating syndrome, which can lead to weight gain† (Wichianson, 2009, pg 236). In college, one is independent – there is no need to ask for permission. Eating usually being scheduled at hope versus college you have the liberty to set your own schedule made it hard. I could never turn down a whooper from burger King, an ice cream sundae from McDonalds, chicken wings from hooters, and breakfast food from  Denny’s. I wondered why I could not tell myself no but it was just so hard because I love food. In college one can eat when they chose and their choice of food is up to them. To some extent, as a teenager, I never learned about nutrition and how many calories one individual is supposed to have. I also never learned to avoid certain food groups. It makes it especially hard to even decide what is healthy to eat in the cafeteria considering nothing is even healthy for you in a school cafeteria. What I found myself doing was eating everything in front of me even when I was full. The way my mom raised us she told us to eat everything and not leave anything on the plate out of respect but food cost money. Currently in our culture the portion sizes of food are huge. At a restaurant a dinner plate is so large yet, you feel guilty not eating it all. Even at fast food restaurants they give you the option of small, medium, large, x-large and sometimes even bigger, eating all this food in general is not good but eating it at night is a heart attack waiting to happen. At night, one eats and goes to bed; the food that was just eaten never gets digested or really has time to go anywhere in your body. The night eating stressor â€Å"grouped coping into two different categories: problem fo cused and emotion focused† (Wichianson, 2009, pg 236). These where the two reasons the article came up with for why we eat at night and cannot stop. I never thought eating at night was problem but as my weight increased and I slept with stomach aches, I knew it was something I no longer wanted to do. In the article it states â€Å"problem-focused coping strategies have been considered adaptive, while emotion-focused coping strategies have been considered maladaptive† (Wichianson, 2009, pg 236) Emotion-focused is eating your feelings as a negative result associated with maladaptive. To some extent any feeling I had I wanted to eat. If I was happy I would eat, if I was sad I really wanted to go eat out. Problem focused is forcing you not to eat at night associated with adaptive. Adaptive in the way that you adapt to a certain eating schedule that way at night I am not hungry and will not feel the need to go out and eat. Research was done and results showed that an â€Å"increase use of maladaptive and decrease use of adaptive coping have been associated with problem eating† (Wichianson, 2009, pg 236). Meaning that I am not alone and many people eat because of the way they feel. The better way to understand this is by scheduling time aside to go and eat. That is what I have done since the  beginning of the school. I give myself one hour three times a day to eat a meal not just a snack the reason for it is because I am at risk. As an overweight student it is difficult to figure out the healthiest way to live life. The reason I eat at night is because I am stressed, yet that is making me more at risk for diabetes because it runs in the family. The best thing for me is to actually set time aside and keep reminding myself that I cannot eat past a certain time usually around seven o’clock. There are many more stressors in my life but currently these are the two I struggle most during college. Being a college student in the nursing program makes me more nervous and afraid of not having time with my family as well as my emotional need to eat all the time. Consider that we are so active all the time it feels that there are never enough hours in a day it makes it that much harder. A quote I was fond of was, â€Å"†¦stress is balancing multiple demands and roles at work, at school, and in their personal life† (Giancola, 2009, pg 246). These basically generalize everything I cannot do. I cannot balance things when I have something higher on my list of prioritizing. Hopefully using these new coping mechanisms I can better myself as a person, student and even daughter.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cold War History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cold War History - Research Paper Example The world quickly turned into polarized and bipolar. Fourth, two superpowers appeared in the world with military and economic power which gave them a significant advantage over the others. Plus, the interests of Western countries in different parts of the globe began to come up against the interests of the Soviet Union. The new political conditions, formed after World War II, were quickly understood by Churchill, who announced the new realia and called them the Cold War1. The defeat of such powerful monsters as Germany and Japan testified that the balance of power in the world was changed. The Allied forces of the Four Powers - the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and France occupied the territory of Germany and Austria in accordance with the decisions of the Potsdam Conference. The political influence of the Soviet Union extended to Poland, part of Germany, occupied by Soviet forces, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Romania. Though the country was exhausted by war, it badly needed to recover economic and human resources, it still had the most powerful and experienced army of about 11 million soldiers2. On the other hand, the U.S. became the dominant global power after the Second World War, which has enormous economic, air, sea and nuclear power. As a result of the effective strategy the United States increased the gross national product by 1.7 times (excluding inflation) during the war and lost only 300 thousand soldiers. The U.S. dollar became the most stable currency and New York - the largest financial market in the world. The country quickly overcame inflation, raised wages and had the world’s highest productivity. Economic power of the United States, its industrial and financial expansion, contributed to the fact that the United States got the role of global hegemon3. Growing distrust among the former Allies led to the fact that the countries of Western Europe and the U.S. joined forces against the USSR. The Soviet Union, i n an effort to protect its borders, created a kind of a buffer of the countries which formed pro-Soviet government after the war. Thus, the world was divided into two camps: capitalist and socialist. Both established the so-called systems of collective security - military blocs. On 4 April 1949 the North Atlantic Treaty was signed and the world saw a new military organization - NATO, which included the U.S., Canada and Western Europe. In May, 1955, the Warsaw Pact was signed as a countermeasure. It included (that year) Albania (later, in 1968, it denounced the pact), Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania, USSR, Czechoslovakia. The polarization of the world was over4. The created coalitions, led by their leaders, began to struggle for influence in third world countries. One of the most memorable results of the Cold War is Arms Race Its start was related to atomic weapons. In 1945 the United States was the only nuclear power in the world. Hiroshima and Nagasaki got â€Å"i nformed† about that. That strategic superiority fostered the U.S. military begin to build a variety of plans of pre-emptive strikes on the Soviet Union. But the American monopoly on nuclear weapons remained only four years. In 1949 the USSR tested its first atomic bomb. This event was a real shock to the Western world and an important milestone of the Cold War.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Graduate Admission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Graduate Admission - Essay Example de is a huge cause for alarm and in third word countries the levels are reaching catastrophic levels in areas such as Asia, Africa and parts of Europe. In particular I have seen the results of a worsening chronic and infectious diseases outbreak in Haiti following an earthquake which has left 1.3 million people homeless. Haiti has a population of 9.7 million people and only 1 in 5 persons has a job. Malnutrition is a massive problem and there are 200,000 people living with HIV. Only half of the children are protected against basic diseases such as measles and diphtheria through vaccination. I have seen vision on news items and documentaryçâ€" ´ of the work being done by doctors and nurses in these areas and I have developed a strong desire to be part of that environment. I truly long to be able to help those the people in areas such as Haiti. Pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH) or Toxemia is a field that I have developed a personal interest in as it was a condition that I suffered from during my own pregnancy. I can see myself being of special assistance when caring for pregnant women in countries such as Haiti and therefore have a deep seated need to learn more about Hypertension during pregnancy and its treatment, this is also a driving force toward my ambitions. These areas would be an ideal place for me to perform community service in schools. Sex education in these third word countries where sexually transmitted diseases are rampart would be essential in helping their society to progress. I would love to be involved with the teaching of these children about these diseases, the benefits of abstinence and safe sex. I have a long term plan, and this isnt just a school boy type dream to one day be a fireman but a definite plan in my life, to run my own clinic in a third world country. I would like to work with full autonomy in a clinic were I am caring for troubled and unfortunate people such those in Haiti. This is a situation which I would totally love to be

Select an architectual complex like Parthenon in Athens or Colosseum Research Paper

Select an architectual complex like Parthenon in Athens or Colosseum in Rome and discuss the influence of that structure on mod - Research Paper Example Like every other thing architectural complex of past nations such as Parthenon in Athens and Colosseum in Rome also have a direct influence over the modern architecture and the structure of buildings. This paper aims to establish comparison between the architectural techniques of Parthenon and that of the contemporary world. Thereafter conclusion is presented to reflect the overall study of the subject. Discussion of Architecture or Architectural Technique The Parthenon is the most admirable architectural complex in Greece which is also the largest temple in the country. The temple significantly symbolizes all the ideas, way of living, heritage and artistic sense of people of that particular time period. Furthermore it explains the great understanding of the Greek people regarding the use of mathematical formulae so as to build successful structures like Parthenon. The religious beliefs are also represented by the overall architectural structure and the statues it contained. The anci ent architects used to construct buildings on huge lands since then there was no significant issue of population. Additionally they had stone walls which actually made their structures so strong that they resisted all the storms, earthquakes and other natural disasters. Use of wood and glass is absent in the architectural remains of Greek civilization which represents that their focus was more towards the rigidity and long lasting life of structures (The Parthenon). The Greek Architecture had a distinctive pattern of buildings with major concentration over the Greek mainland and the Aegean Islands. They had several unique features of their architectural structural and the most prominent among them was the Parthenon in Athens. Greeks had a concept that the optimum success of an architectural design lies in its arithmetic calculations which should be made with the help of comparative analysis and established theories in mathematics. This concept is reflected thorough out the Greek arc hitectural history since they had the most accurate designs based on scientific approach. Parthenon has been built upon the perfect mathematical formula which has equal portions and rhymic correspondence. The whole structure is based upon the entablature areas which are further alienated into different ratios having harmonious and logical relationship among them. In addition to this there is a significant association of columns with the capital. The Greek architects had a firm believe on the perfection of designs and this was something they had never compromised on whether it is architecture or any other field of life. The pillars of Parthenon are made considering its vision from a distant area and due to this they always seems straight. The entasis have very little puffiness and recession of pillars’ structure and columns which is yet another application of mathematical tools and techniques (Greek Architecture). Furthermore the top most parts of the pillars are bended toward s the middle point on both sides of the colonnade. The bend deepens as they move towards the end since there is a row of pillars which actually seems in line with each other and show space over the top corner. The pillars are made in such a way that if the colonnade would starts inclination then their pointers will meet one another up in the air. The curve in the middle of the design along with the horizontal lines gives a look of slump in the centre. Parthenon does not have straight lines

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Green Technology and Sustainable Development Research Paper

Green Technology and Sustainable Development - Research Paper Example The concentrated solar power integrates the use of mirrors and lenses, for purposes of creating a large surface area of sunlight, into a small beam, therefore converting the energy, into electric energy. This energy is always used in large power plants. The first solar power plant came into existence in the year 1980s. The plant was called Solar Energy Generating Systems, and was in California. This is the largest power installation system in the world (Cummings, 2012). This is because the plant has the capacity of producing 354 megawatts of solar power. There is no other solar plant in the world that produces solar energy, of such kind of a magnitude. Another solar plant is in the process of construction, and is situated in California. The power plant has the capacity of producing 550 megawatts of solar energy (Tumber, 2012). This is a solar plant that will use photovoltaic energy. Other solar plants, under construction in California are the Topaz solar farm, the Blythe Solar power project, and the Ivanpah solar power facility. All this are photovoltaic solar plants under construction in California. However, there exist photovoltaic solar panels in America that are in use (Sussman, 2012). These are the Copper Mountain Solar facility, in Nevada, and the Long Island Solar Farm, in New York. The two have a capacity of producing solar energy to the tune of 48 and 37 megawatts of electricity, respectively. This paper focuses on Photovoltaic industry, as an element of solar energy production. The Solar energy industry association estimates the number of jobs created by the industry to stand at around 25000 people. This amounted to an approximate number of 100,000 people as of August 2011. This people work in the sales and distribution department, installation, project development, finance, and research and development (Hess, 2012). This number of employees amount to less that 1% of United

Friday, July 26, 2019

Answer questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12

Answer questions - Essay Example These principles remain the bedrock of modern management theory; recent researchers have reï ¬ ned or developed them to suit modern conditions and part of it is the use of information system to make the management’s five activities to be more efficient. All of these management activities involve effective handling of information and this is where effective information systems come in helpful. For example, in performing the controlling aspect of management, it would involve handling various set of information to check if certain standards are met in production, sales or other business function. Information system will help me get this information through a network and handling this massive amount of information will be easier through the use of information software which would have been otherwise laborious without the help of information system. This makes me efficient and able to more effectively at a lesser time. Guidelines for its ethical use however must be established. Private information that relates to the employee or information that does not relate to the job must not be disclosed or used for other purpose other than what it is intended. Technology can be helpful but can also be destructive if it is not guided by ethical consideration. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. Tim Berners-Lee, an engineer from CERN originally developed the idea of HTML. The idea of HTML came out of Berner-Lee’s frustration of having to log on to different computers just to get the information he needed. He mulled that there must be a better way to get a set of information from different computers which gave birth the idea of HTML. So the original concept of HTML was a hyper-text system that connects networking technology and protocols to share information between computers. From then on, it later developed to become the basis and fundamental language of the world wide web or internet ( It started with its

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Patents and Copyrights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Patents and Copyrights - Essay Example In such a society, innovation would be stifled. In the scenario mentioned above, if Google obtained a patent for their new software, they may have market power and that may enable them to charge high prices for the software. However, Google may not charge whatever they want even though market power gives them the ability to set the prices. The seller will set the price in relation to the demand curve because if the price is set too high, a downward-sloping demand curve is imminent, hence a decrease in demand (Richard , 2012). In conclusion, the existence of a patent prevents others from producing and selling the patented product. It is on these grounds that a patent is considered a monopoly privilege granted by the government. Additionally, the monopoly grant has a prima facie impact on trade, because the monopoly conferred by the patent is the right to exclude others from manufacturing or selling the patented product. On the other hand, copyright is not a right to the exclusive use of a fact, an idea, or a combination, which by the natural law of property all are free to use; but only to the labor expended in the thing itself (Journal of Libertarian Studies,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Eco-tourism Environmentally friendly resort development business plan Essay

Eco-tourism Environmentally friendly resort development business plan - Essay Example is a relatively new trend in the tourism industry, has taken many travelers to various remote corners of the world, exposing them to many diverse wildlife and cultures that have been developing in relative isolation from the modern world, consequently making ecotourism one of the most interesting and therefore fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry (Ibid.). Costa Rica, unlike the other so-called Third World countries which are focusing on rapid urbanization and industrialization, has turned to ecotourism and considered it as its key to its goal of economic development (Dulude, 2000). Despite its relative smallness compared to other countries in Central America, Costa Rica is home to an incredible biodiversity highlighted by scenic beaches, lush rain forests, impressive volcanoes and a very exotic wildlife, with its tourist industry bringing in about one million visitors a year and generating approximately $1 billion annually, making tourism Costa Rica’s second largest income generator after the silicon chip production industry (Ibid.). Further, Costa Rica also has the following features which make it an ideal country for ecotourism, which also rationalize this paper’s overall concept of an eco-friendly resort business in the country, as follows: 1. Rich biodiversity. Costa Rica has an incredible biodiversity that can offer tourists – foreign and local alike – with a glimpse of mountains and volcanoes, as well as beaches and lush green rainforests that are all located within a relatively small region in the country (Garen, 2000). According to Lizano (2000, p17), there are about twenty-four national parks in Costa Rica that are covering its diverse flora and fauna, covering about twenty-one percent of the country’s territory, which includes twenty-eight percent of the country’s Indian reserves. 2. Strategic Location. Costa Rica is situated closely to the United States (US), which makes it ideal and strategic for its tourist industry, giving

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Game Design Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Game Design Plan - Essay Example But unfortunately, you do not have enough funds and needs someone to sponsor this trip. So, you ask your boss, Mr. X for help, who comes up with a very interesting deal due to his wild craze for puzzle, according to which you, the player, must go through his special area (level of a game), populated with a set number of destructible bricks and you must break all of them using a ball and a paddle, without letting the ball fall to ground; if you succeed, then you will get a chance to fly to any one historical place in the world; in this manner, as you can predict, for each place, there will be a special area. However, if you, the player, lose then you will have to work for Mr. X for a year without any pay. The core idea of the game is heavily inspired by another, similar game - Smashing (available at in which each level has a set number of destructible bricks and the player uses a ball and a paddle to break all of them to move on to the next level; if the ball falls below the game area, a paddle is lost.. Even though, this existing game is highly enjoyable but at the same time, there are various aspects that can be enhanced or added, for example, facilitating the player to select difficulty level, inclusion of distinct sound effects for ball collisions as a means to praise the player for destroying bricks or adding a game-continue feature, therefore, becoming a clear source of inspiration to modify the existing game, without compromising the core notion that made the existing game so enjoyable in the first place. II. Genre and Audience The games that are based around the dynamics of a player controlled block, called a paddle or a bat, which hits a ball towards another player's bat or game specific object are generally categorized under "Bat-and-Ball" genre. At more specialized level of this genre, those games which are characterized by the addition of a wall of blocks or similar objects, that the player chips away at with the ball as part of the main game-play, are known as "Breakout-style game" or "Breakout clone"; most of these games highly depends on hand-and-eye coordination and quick reflexes, rather than thought and logic. Some of the notable Breakout Clone games are the Arkanoid series, Circus Atari, Thro' the Wall, DX Ball and Block Breaker Deluxe. The profusion and notability of such games has been sufficient enough for them to also be referred to by some as a genre in their own right. However, since this is a fairly narrow definition of a genre, it is often not considered as such, but even then so, in the view of above statements, our proposed game can be tagged same as a Breakout-style game, and therefore, can be categorized under "Bat-and-Ball" genre. Although Smashing is a nice game and both kids and teenagers can enjoy playing it but it might not be the choice for adults as it doesn't have much to offer, especially in terms of complexity and involvedness. On the other hand, this game will not only cover the Smashing's audience, but will also take care of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Portrayal of Australian Mining Towns Essay Example for Free

Portrayal of Australian Mining Towns Essay Arthur Boyd and Oodgeroo, formally known as Kath Walker, both effectively depict their own view of Australia through the painting â€Å"The Mining Town† and the poem â€Å"The Time Is Running Out. † They each present slightly differing interpretations of the country based upon their altered perspectives and context. Arthur Boyd presents a vivid and vibrant life of an Australian mining town of 1920 through his painting while Kath Walker aggressively portrays an outraged view of what Australia has become violently outlining the damages caused by European settlement. In Kath Walkers poem â€Å"time is running out† she uses a passionate and forceful tone allowing it to illustrate an Aboriginal perspective of the mining town, which effectively portrays her view of Australia. â€Å"The miner rapes the heart of the earth† the use of the word â€Å"rape,† describes a traumatic and violent action. Kath Walker uses this aggressive quote to start her poem essentially stating the miners are ruining the natural part of Australia. She then proceeds to say â€Å" With this violent spade† meaning the spade the miners are using is killing the earth. â€Å" Stealing, bolting her black blood. † The use of a metaphor in this quote depicts the miner taking the black coal from the earth. She then personifies the earth to exemplify that the Europeans are destroying the natural beauty of Australia â€Å"for the sake of the greedy trade. † Kath Walker demonstrates her disappointment throughout the poem in the European culture of Australia and is horrified by what the country has become. She effectively conveys her view of Australia. In the second part of Kath Walkers poem she proceeds to use a patriotic and again a violent tone to portray her view of Australia. She challenges upon all Aborigines to take a stand against the violent nature on the earth caused by the foreigners. The repetition of â€Å"violence† â€Å"he knows violence† â€Å"will be violently written† â€Å"make the violent miner feel† exaggerates her perspective of Australia by portraying Australia as a terrible violent country. Throughout her poem she over exaggerates the terrible wok of the miners and at the end of her poem she hypocritically gives a violent message of retaliation against the miners â€Å"to defend their timeless land. † â€Å"Come gentle black man† she creatively changes the audience’s state of mind by showing that the aborigines are the victims and are innocent. Kath allows the audience to feel her frustration with the use of her aggressive tone and adjectives essentially providing the audience with not only Kath’s view of Australia but also the whole Aboriginal community. It is because of Kaths poetic devices and techniques which allows her to present her perspective of Australia from an Aboriginal point of view. Her aggressive and serious tone, shows her passion and love for the nature of the country. She also spreads a message of violence of retaliation and revenge on the European miners who are destroying nature in Australia all for â€Å"the filthy dollar. † Therefore I think that the poem most effectively conveys a view of Australia rather than the photo.

Save Trees Essay Example for Free

Save Trees Essay A coalition of environmental organizations working directly with Canadian companies to develop practical and economic ways to shift their wood and paper use away from ancient and endangered forest products to ecologically sound alternatives. Conservatree – www. conservatree. com: American non profit organization dedicated to converting paper markets to EP papers. Reach for Unbleached – www. rfu. org: Canadian registered charity working for a sustainable pulp and paper industry. ABPBC (Association of Book Publishers of BC) – www. books. bc. ca/ecokit. php: eco-kit for book publishers online. Magazine Paper Project – www. ecopaperaction. org: American non profit encouraging magazine publishers to switch to recycled paper. ReThink Paper – www. rethinkpaper. org: American non profit – more info, more resources. Almost half of the trees harvested in North America go to the production of paper Produced with the assistance of and the BC Gaming Commission For one source of EP office paper, see the Office Paper Buying Club at www. rfu. org Buying EP paper is the focus of the companion brochure – â€Å"Buying EP Paper. † Money saved using paper saving tips in this brochure can easily offset any initial cost differences of purchasing EP paper. Potential organizational benefits of an EP paper policy include favourable public image, employee pride and contentment, competitive differentiation, socially responsible investing advantages. Pulp paper is one of the most environmentally demanding and damaging industries in the world ? $50 ? $500 ? $100 ? $1,000 ? $250 ? Other $____ 1984 1994 2004 Global paper consumption has more than tripled over the past 30 years. How’s recycling working? Reach for Unbleached Box 39 Whaletown, BC Canada V0P 1Z0 Phone: (250) 935-6992 In Canada we recover only 44 % of all paper products used, including only 15 % of printing and writing papers and magazines. Over 90% of all office and printing paper is made with virgin fibre. | | Paper reduction techniques Machines n Purchase photocopiers that have double-sided copying capacity. Program double-sided copying as the default. n Purchase fax machines that use plain paper to eliminate the need to copy thermal sheets. Electronics n Create letterhead stationary using software templates and make it available to all. n Use e-mail instead of paper memos. n Don’t print all your e-mails. n Send out and keep reference documents electronically – don’t make hard paper copies. Software adjustments n Changing the print and other settings in software programs can save paper up to 50% by reducing the margins, font size and line spacing. Set the default to these settings, altering the parameters when necessary. (See www. rfu. org for more details on software adjustments. ) n A software program like www. ineprint. com will print more than one page to the sheet. Use the right paper for the job n Choose the most eco-friendly paper for a job – highest recycled content, unbleached, etc. Premium, extra white glossy paper is only occasionally necessary – for fine art reproduction, photographic prints, etc. n Use lighter paper (less weight) when feasible. This reduces the amount of fibre needed and also saves money in postage. n Use non-coated paper. Coated paper is in most cases less desirable for recycling mills because the clay coating is not recyclable. Work with your vendors Many of the following ideas could reduce vendor costs – enabling you to negotiate for advantages in other areas. n Ask suppliers to first send information electronically; then decide whether or not you need a hard copy. n The following shipment strategies from suppliers can save money for both you and your vendors. n Boxes, filler, etc. cost money. Ask vendors to colour code materials to help identify materials for recycling procedures. n Re-usable containers can be shipped back to suppliers. n Product packaging contributes significantly to purchasing costs. Ask vendors to reduce packaging. n Set up incentives for paper suppliers to sell you less product by helping keep track of your inventories and eliminating excess stockpiles, e. g. custom stationary that could become obsolete. n Provide inter-office envelopes to vendors for incoming invoices that need to go through more than one hand before payment. Many companies now consider their vendors as partners, not just product suppliers. In this spirit of partnership, they are working together to save money and improve environmental performance. Reward employees who come up with other paper-saving ideas. email yesterday More Paper reduction tips n Reduce a legal size sheet to letter size. n Make smaller notices, forms and letters – print two on each sheet of paper and cut it in half. n Use two-way envelopes to send out invoices customers can refold envelope for return payment. n Circulate office reports in a forwarding mailing envelope – saves making copies. n Use on-demand publishing or printing for books, manuals, catalogues, etc. – only print for immediate needs.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Myth Of The Clash Of Civilizations

The Myth Of The Clash Of Civilizations It is a lecture by Edward saids, held in the University of Massachusetts, it is about clash of civilization and how people think about it. He is mainly responding back to what Samuel Huntingtons and Bernard Lewis said about the clash of civilization. Edward had his MA in 1960 and a doctorate from Harvard University in 1964. The most important work of him was the Orientalism, which was a part of postcolonial studies. In this video, Said argues that Lewis and Huntingtons had the wrong idea and thoughts about the clash of civilization. In this lecture, Edward is responding back to what Huntington and Lewis said about clash of civilization and he critic their ideas. Huntington believes that in the future, there will be clash between countries; this clash will be mainly a clash of religions. Huntington said that the West should be strong and keep others weak. It is clear here that he wants the West to attack other countries and occupy them by using force against them, which consider colonization. In his argument, he focused on the Islamic religion and he says that it is the main reason of the clash. He said that Islam is anti-Western, and Muslims are using violence against non-Muslim and the government and other Muslim organizations are encouraging violence against them. Moreover, Huntingtons ideas and thoughts were mainly based on what Lewis Bernard said in his book Islam and the West. He compares religion not to a religion but to geographical political countries suggesting that Muslims and Arabs are backward uncivilized people and they are savage without any manner; according to the Western culture. According to what he said, the West will find an excuse to attack and invade other countries, just what the UK did to India and they called it, we want to bring advancement and teach them how to be modernized just like the West, but instant they take over their country and stayed there for two centuries. Taking whatever they want from there and do whatever they want. Edward criticism is more on the fact that Huntington book is for the policy makers in the US, thus is a main danger when the policy maker takes what Huntington said seriously; these people will misunderstand the views of the Muslim world. Lewis and his book Islam and the West shows that the all the problem around the world is because of the Muslims and to solve this problem they have to deal with them. Lewis mentioned that there are billions of Muslims in the West and they want to take over the country and he called it rage on the West (Lewis, 1993). What he meant is that before they take over our country lets invade them first. As we say in Arabic, lunch on him before he dine on you. This excuse is really baseless. He just wants to start a religious war. He also saied that Islam is not modernize and never speared between church and state. Bernard must know one thing that in Islam the State rules are made by the religion rules, which can not be separated from each other. One example of that is when the US had the economic crisis, all the banks got affected and most of them did not have any money, but because Muslim banks used the Islamic rules in the banks they have not been affected like the Western banks. And about modernize, Islam is modernize but they can not see it, because to the West it is not matching the Western standers. As the West see it, you have to be like them to be modernize which is wrong. In his book Islam and the West, He wrote: It should be clear that we are facing a mood and a movement in Islam for transcending, the level of issues and polices and the government that pursue them. This is no less than a clash of civilization. The perhaps irrational, but surely historic receptions, of an ancient rival against our Judeo-Christian heritage, our secular present, and the world-wide expression of both, it is crucially important that we, on our side, should not be provoked into equally historic, but also equally irrational reaction against our arrival. (p.78). It is clear from Lewis statement that he is saying that clash is religion and it is between Islam and Christianity. And Islam is spreading all over the world and they the West must do something to stop it. He thinks the Western religion is more superior than the others and it should not be equalized with other religions. What he is trying to say that in the past Islam used violence to spread all over the world and now after more than 1200 years they are trying to do the same thing with the West. Lewis also said in his book that Islam can not understand other civilization, which is wrong. Muslim people travelled around the world before Marco Polo did. They went to Spain and China. They lived over there and took from their knowledge and become a part of them. Islam can understand any civilization but their always be a limit what to take and what not to take from other civilizations. Saieds belief that there is no part of Islam, which is fundamentally against the West. Over the last decade, we have seen numerous cowardly attacks on Western countries, for example, the Swedish-Iraqi attack in Stockholm and the 9/11 attacks. The US governments do not have any clear evidence that the attacks were done my Muslims. Do not believe the idea that Muslim extremists are driven by a justifiable rage, they are driven by the political issues that they are having from the West. It is never related to the religion. Islam and Western cultures are inherently different, and this is why we have conflict. Moreover, that does not mean Edward is anti-Western. He was very critical about some of the ways Western hegemonic thought has used to describe Arab societies and to design political relations with this part of the world. He is not bias because he was educated by British, on British-Egyptian Christian schools. Furthermore, Said mentioned that, some civilization that has power and technology advancement gave to them self the right to colonize other in the name of Nobel idea, which is to civilize them but in fact, they want something else. Competing imperial power invent their own theory of cultural destiny in order to justify their action aboard. I just want to know who gave them the right to judge on people and the way they live. You can not change something that is related to culture. Examples of these countries, USA, Germany, and UK. Which the real purpose is to have more power, conquest, and unrestraint self pride. The West believes that each raise has a special destiny or job to do. For Example, the Chinese raise is to serve, the black raise must be the labor, because they are strong and they can work hard. Here we can see that the West had the wrong idea about people, they thing that they are the superior raise because they are white and other people are below them so they must serve them. Edward said that for a country to have it truly independent. They must speak their own Language, Which he meant nationalism. You have to be proud of your language and used it to have truly independence. For instance, in India conquers party, only by supporting Indian language the political independence can accrue. Only by supporting their word against the West, they will be able to stand on their feet. Edward said that the Culture and civilization is spread then each other. The core of Islam is to be separated from everything else, and the core of the West is to be separated from all the other. Also that, it is not a clash of civilization, but clash of definition. Defining the culture is hard; each culture defines its enemy. People are fighting over us vs. them, ideas of good and evil, belonging or not belonging. Islam like the West is not a single or uniform thing(Edward,1998). Islam is different in Indonesia, different in Egypt. For example, in Egypt, there is a conflict in the Isl amic movements. In the lecture, Saied has quoted from Aime Cesasre, which he wrote: But the work of man is only just beginning, and it remains to conquer all the violence entrenched in the recesses of our passion and no race possesses the monopoly of beauty, of intelligence, of force. And there is a place for all at rendezvous of victory. (p.48). Cesasre meant that there are no boundaries or block between cultures. Anyone can take whatever he wants form other culture. And there is no standers for civilization or beauty or intelligence. Every people or culture has their own stander, which differs from one culture to another and all of them are right. At the end of the lecture Edward discussed the Palestinian Israelian conflict and how it is a good example of colonization. The Israelian uses the excuse that plastain is the promise land for them, so they keep killing people and force them to leave their houses. It seems this clash between them is related to religion but in fact, they just want a place to live and a country. Edward said that you can not victimize others because you were victim yourself, there has to be limit. It is not a reason to invade other people and take over their country. Additionally, Edward said it was a clash of ignorance. That Huntington had a monolithic view of Islam and he over generalized the situation and did not understand the complexity of the conflicts and the people involved in them. He is touching on the growing influence of those who advocate tensions and clashes, and subsequently benefit from this sort of contaminated atmosphere to prepare the people, particularly of the USA, to engage in war, such as the case now. The media à ¯Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¿has become nothing more than a blowing horn for such a paradigm of tension and hate. The West mainly sees Islam through distorted,à ¯Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¿ Orientalist, lenses. Also, correlation alone is not sufficient to prove that what you said must mean there is a cultural clash. There could be a clash in some areas, but this is created by powerful people to make Islam seem threatening so regions, like Iran, can be dominated for oil. More people should be aware, that it is never about religion. He covers the topic s of how Muslim/Arab people have more to do than to think about the West with hatred, how Huntington is not a student of Arab/Muslim cultures but wants to prolong and depend the conflict. Saidà ¯Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¿ observes how the French used the notion of a civilizing mission to justify brute force against the nations whose land and resources they wanted. This imperialist mission gives rise to wars of national liberation among the colonized. What Huntington and Lewis predicted that in the future there would be a clash between religions and that what happened, but it is not true. People think that nowadays there is a clash between religions. When US invaded Iraq, people thought that it is a Holy War and because they think Muslims are behind the 9/11 attacks. What happened is that US invaded Iraq for a political issues, which was that Saddam had a mass distraction weapons but they did not find anything over there. It was mainly about oil and recourses. US media are showing to people that US are in a religious war in Iraq and they are trying to bring freedom and democracy to Iraqi people. I cannot understand how the 9/11 attacks is related to Iraq. They just wanted an excuse to invade Iraq in the name of freedom. West media showed the stereo type of Muslim and how they are angry all the time, they just misrepresent the Islam. What Edward said is completely true there is no clash between religions, but the US government want s the people to think that what is happening. As I see it, the history is repeating itself. When the British went to Africa, they said we are here for a Nobel cause, but in reality they are here to take over the country. The same scenario is happening in Iraq, but in this case, their excuse is religion, which is completely wrong. To solve this dilemma, the West should solve their political issues with the East and not to connected with the religion. Another Example is the current crises that US facing with North Korea. North Korea has a clash with the West and they are not Muslims. This support my point that the clash is not about religion, it is about politics. I found another articles which discusses the clash of civilizations, In Rami G. Khouri article rescuing Europes failed middle east policy he is saying that the Europes policy is failing in Middle East. So they dont add anything to solve this problem and their policy dont have the power to change anything and solve this issue. Morover, Khouri thinks that they cant change anything because the Europes are following what US and Israel policy. Without saying their own opinion. So they become with Israel in this conflict between East representing by Palestine and West which is representing by Israel in this conflict. His advice for Europe is to stop following US and Israel policy. Because it will lead to a clash between the East and Europe, like the West and the East. Furthermore, he wrote an article Rewinding the reel to root causes and he said that the root for the conflict between East and West is the Israel- Palestinian conflict. If the root of the conflict between East and West is the Israel- Palestinian conflict, what do you think if you see some countries like America or Europe countries, which support Israel? They will feel same as Samuel Huntington idea that the clash between East and West is about religion. All the people who study the history and read about the crusades will know that the conflict between the Israel and Palestine will take him back in time of the crusades period because the two situations are same in a lot of sides. The Israelian are doing the same thing that Crusades had done, which is invading the country and killing people and turn it to a religious war. But in the other hand, Amartya Sen in her article What clash of civilization? Why religious identity isnt destiny? strongly disagree with Samuel Huntington argument, because she think that Huntington make civilization too simple and equalite with religion. Amartya think that human has so many aspects that make him what he is. You should not judge on a book based on its cover. What she meant that there is another reasons of clash which is not related to religion. Kofi Annan mentioned in his article Annan says politics, not religion, at heart of Muslim-West divide. He thinks that there is no relation between politics and religion and he believes that the religion is not the root for any conflict in this world. I agree with him the root of conflict is related to the political issues that the country have against each other. It was never about religion. I agree with him that the Israel- Palestine conflict is the root of the conflict between East and West and this conflict is the main cause of the clash between the two sides. Moreover, Mohsin Hamid and his article why do they hate us he says that Muslims hates West because of the America policy. In this point I might agree with Mohsin Hamid, because Muslims sees that America foreign policy is always unfair with Muslims in different issues and different places all over the world. Muslims dont have any problem with America, if their policies change not with what Muslims want, but with the justice even if it was against the interests of Muslims. Therefore, this is another point that supports my argument that the clash is about politics not religion. Another Article wrote by John L. Esposito, which is Its the policy stupid. Its an interesting article, because John L. Esposito think that the root of the problem started from America policy. Because they did a lot of mistakes in their foreign policy toward the East and when they try to solve their first mistakes, they made new mistakes, which made the situation even worse than before. Another political issue, which is not related to religion. In Fawaz Gerges article which is titled America and political Islam. He believes that there is no clash between civilization and the clash is between benefits. Any Western countries who are against the west will be Terror. I agree with him that it is really a clash of benefits and interests. We see that some countries policy change from day to day. They change their policy because their interest change and they change their allies depending on their interests. For example, Saddam was a friend of the US government, but when the interests changed they just removed him. An article wrote by Edward said which is Imperial Perspectives. He is saying that after World War 2 the US goal is to control the oil supply in the Middle East and make sure that Israel is the dominate power in the Middle East. He said that US claim to educate people and liberate them but in reality they just want to control and rule. The US want to see Arabs and Muslim in the way they like, not with the way Arabs and Muslims are which an imperialist perspective is. He also said that US think Arabs and Muslims are anit-democratic and anti-Semitic. These are enough reasons for US to invade another country in the name of democracy and freedom. All in all, The west uses the clash of civilizations myth as a means of western intervention and expansion, and that western culture is dominant, which presents a Eurocentric dichotomy. What Huntington and Lewis predicted came true but in reality, the US government uses the religion as an excuse to invade other countries. What Edward said it is true that the clash is not about religion. US media want people to think that it is about religion, which will make their job easier. In the past when a powerful country invade another country their excuse was to modernize and educate them, now they are using the democracy and freedom excuse to invade other countries. Different excuses but they have the same goal, which is to colonize.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Walter Mosley :: essays research papers

Walter Mosley was born in Los Angeles in 1952. He currently lives in New York City. He has been at various times in his life a potter, a computer programmer, a poet, and a short story writer; he studied writing in the graduate program of City College of New York. The first title in his Easy Rawlins mystery series, DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS was released in September 1990 to great critical acclaim. His first non-mystery, a novel about the blues, R.L.'s DREAM, was published by W.W. Norton in August 1995. Mosley's most recent work, BLUE LIGHT, a science fiction novel, was published by Little, Brown in November 1998 Mosley's work twice nominated for Edgar Award; both WHITE BUTTERFLY and BLACK BETTY were nominated for a Golden Dagger Award in England; and one of his short stories, THE WATTS LION, was nominated for the Best Pi Short Story in 1994. THE THIEF, another short story, was awarded the O.Henry Prize in 1996. ALWAYS OUTNUMBERED, ALWAYS OUTGUNNED was awarded the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award in 1998. Mosley's books have been translated into twenty languages and his short stories have appeared in GC, Esquire, USA Weekend, and Buzz magazines. Devil in a Blue Dress was made into a movie in 1995 starring Denzel Washington and Jennifer Beals, produced by Jonathan Demme and directed by Carl Franklin. Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned was adapted by Mosley for an HBO original movie starring Lawrence Fishburne, Natalie Cole, Cicely Tyson, and Bill Cobbs, directed by Michael Apted, and produced by Palomar Productions. A second Socrates Fortlow movie is in the works, with Mosley again writing the script and Fishburne in the lead role. Mosley serves on the board of TransAfrica, the National BookFoundation, the Poetry Society of America, Manhattan Theater Club, and is past president of the Mystery Writers of America. Walter Mosley :: essays research papers Walter Mosley was born in Los Angeles in 1952. He currently lives in New York City. He has been at various times in his life a potter, a computer programmer, a poet, and a short story writer; he studied writing in the graduate program of City College of New York. The first title in his Easy Rawlins mystery series, DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS was released in September 1990 to great critical acclaim. His first non-mystery, a novel about the blues, R.L.'s DREAM, was published by W.W. Norton in August 1995. Mosley's most recent work, BLUE LIGHT, a science fiction novel, was published by Little, Brown in November 1998 Mosley's work twice nominated for Edgar Award; both WHITE BUTTERFLY and BLACK BETTY were nominated for a Golden Dagger Award in England; and one of his short stories, THE WATTS LION, was nominated for the Best Pi Short Story in 1994. THE THIEF, another short story, was awarded the O.Henry Prize in 1996. ALWAYS OUTNUMBERED, ALWAYS OUTGUNNED was awarded the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award in 1998. Mosley's books have been translated into twenty languages and his short stories have appeared in GC, Esquire, USA Weekend, and Buzz magazines. Devil in a Blue Dress was made into a movie in 1995 starring Denzel Washington and Jennifer Beals, produced by Jonathan Demme and directed by Carl Franklin. Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned was adapted by Mosley for an HBO original movie starring Lawrence Fishburne, Natalie Cole, Cicely Tyson, and Bill Cobbs, directed by Michael Apted, and produced by Palomar Productions. A second Socrates Fortlow movie is in the works, with Mosley again writing the script and Fishburne in the lead role. Mosley serves on the board of TransAfrica, the National BookFoundation, the Poetry Society of America, Manhattan Theater Club, and is past president of the Mystery Writers of America.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hybird Cars Essay -- Gasoline Electric Hybrid Automobiles

A hybrid vehicle uses multiple propulsion systems to provide motive power. This most commonly refers to gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles, which use gasoline (petrol) to power internal-combustion engines (ICEs), and electric batteries to power electric motors. Modern mass-produced hybrids, such as the Toyota Prius, recharge their batteries by capturing kinetic energy via regenerative braking. As well, when cruising or idling, some of the output of the combustion engine is fed to a generator (merely the electric motor(s) running in generator mode[1]) which produces electricity to charge the batteries. This contrasts with all-electric cars which use batteries charged by an external source such as the grid, or a range extending trailer. Nearly all hybrids still require gasoline as their sole fuel source though diesel and other fuels such as ethanol or plant based oils have also seen occasional use. The term hybrid when used in relation with cars also has other uses. Prior to its modern meaning of hybrid propulsion, the word hybrid was used in the United States to mean a vehicle of mixed national origin; generally, a European car fitted with American mechanical components. This meaning has fallen out of use. In the import scene, hybrid was often used to describe an engine swap, such as the common Honda B16 engine into a Honda Civic. Some have also referred to flexible-fuel vehicles as hybrids because they can use a mixture of different fuels Ââ€" typically gasoline and ethanol alcohol fuel. A more recent working prototype was built by Herman Wouk's brother Victor Wouk (known as the Godfather of the Hybrid[2]) into a 1972 Buick Skylark provided by GM for the 1970 Federal Clean Car Incentive Program, but the program was killed by the... ... as a 2007 model. It will be built in Kentucky, USA. Also, Nissan announced the release of the Altima hybrid (technology supplied by Toyota) around 2007. An R.L. Polk survey of 2003 model year cars showed that hybrid car registrations in the United States rose to 43,435 cars, a 25.8 % increase from 2002 numbers. California, the nation's most populous state at one-eighth of the total population, had the most hybrid cars registered: 11,425. The proportionally high number may be partially due to the state's higher gasoline prices and stricter emissions rules, which hybrids generally have little trouble passing. Honda, which offers Insight, Civic and Accord hybrids, sold 26,773 hybrids in the first 11 months of 2004. Toyota has sold a cumulative 306,862 hybrids between 1997 and Nov. 2004 and Honda has sold a total of 81,867 hybrids between 1999 and November 2004.[6]

War poetry :: English Literature

War poetry I come from Wooburn common. Somebody had to. When we first moved here it seemed an alright place. There are plenty of fields for sport and stunning views. But these mild advantages are swamped by a thousand and one disadvantages. For example, I still, after four years of living here, am coming to terms with the fact that I'm the only sane person in this village. Even my family seem to be a little on the insane side after living here, but I can't say I blame them. The only entertainment there is: dodging the many vicious animals when you go on walks and trying not to get lost in the uncountable number of trees and wooded areas. It's enough to drive anyone mad! One of the inhabitants of Wooburn Common is "crazy dog man". He has somewhere in the region of 15 dogs which he talks to, not to mention himself, regularly. He is a tall, lanky man, with grey greased back hair and always wears, rain or shine, his dark green rain Mac and Wellington boots. One day, one of his beloved dogs decided to "leave a package" for us, on our lawn for my dad to find. We were unaware at first whose dog did the deed but we treated it as a one off. As we were about to find out this was not the case. Everyday a fresh one was laid; we even put a sign up saying "please do not allow your dog to foul on our verge, or we may have to return the favor". It was no good, the poo just kept coming (by now mostly on the sign itself!) until operation pooper scoop was initiated. A whole day I spent in my sister's car at the end of drive with a pair of binoculars waiting for the now named "phantom pooper" to arrive. Time dragged on, but as I was about to call it a day, "crazy dog man" decided to show his face, dogs and all. It was horrific! One or two of the dogs had diarrhea, but I consoled myself by knowing that I had caught the culprit. It wasn't long before I told my dad. He went, besides a bright scarlet colour, mad, but managed to coolly and calmly place one of the many excretory products in to an envelope and posted through the recipients letter box! A punishment well deserved; but events like this one happen regularly in wooburn common and although reasonably funny, the routine of them happening again and again every week is definitely not. If you live in Wooburn common you have to accept that the main bulk of

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Investigate the effect of one factor on the boiling temperature of a liquid Essay

Salt (NaCl) is a substance with a low vapour pressure. In comparison to any type of liquid, salt still has a lower vapour pressure. If salt was to be dissolved in water (H2O), in this case for the experiment, then consequently the salt will cause the overall vapour pressure of the solution to decrease and have a lower vapour pressure. Lowering a solution’s vapour pressure means that the solution will have a higher molecule vaporising point then pure water (without added salt). In other words, the boiling point of the solution will increase and therefore have a higher boiling point temperature. A term used to describe this outcome is also known as boiling-point elevation. [1] In this experiment the affect of table salt on the boiling point of tap water will be measured. Pure tap water without table salt added will be the control of this experiment and all results will be compared to the results of the pure tap water. The temperature of the water will be measured in degrees Celsius (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C) and the amount of table salt added will be measured in grams (g). This experiment will be carried out at Standard Lab Conditions (SLC); Research Question: How does table salt affect the boiling point of water? Hypothesis: It is hypothesised that adding table salt will cause the water to boil at a higher temperature. Variables: Independent variables: The amount of table salt added to water. (g) * 0 grams (control) * 10 grams * 20 grams * 30 grams * 40 grams * 50 grams Dependent variables: The temperature of water when it boils (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C) Controlled variables: Controlled variables How it will be controlled The conditions of the surrounding area (temperature, wind, humidity etc) of where the experiment is carried out The experiment will be carried out on one day only and at standard lab conditions Avoid salt residues left on the thermometer when testing water temperature Distilled water will be used to clean the thermometer before every testing of water The type of water used for the experiment Tap water for the science lab will be used for this experiment The point at which the water temperature will be recorded The temperature of the water will be recorded when the whole surface of the water is boiling and bubbling The length of time the thermometer is left in the beaker of water The thermometer will be left for 30 seconds in the beaker, to show clear results of the water temperature The depth at which the thermometer is left in the beaker The end tip of the beaker will be placed right at the centre bottom of the beaker The Bunsen burner flame that will heat the beaker The heat of the blue flame will boil the water in the beaker The length of time the Bunsen burner is left undisturbed on blue flame to reach its optimum temperature When the Bunsen burner safe flame is changed to blue flame, the Bunsen burner will be left on the bench undisturbed for 2 minutes The repetition and speed of stirring the solution When the beaker is placed onto the tripod with the blue flame on, immediately 5 slow circle rotations of the stirring rod will be performed to dissolve the salt into the water The amount of water used for this experiment For this experiment, 500 millimetres of water will be measured in the beakers. When measuring the water level, the observer must get down to eye level to avoid parallax error and misreading of the water level Avoiding contaminations to the equipment used in this experiment Before using equipments, distilled water will be used to thoroughly clean all equipments to avoid contamination and residues The brand and type of table salt used for this experiment Woolworths Iodated Table Salt will be used for this experiment The accuracy of measuring small amount of salt The sampler spoon will be filled with salt right to the top, (touching the edges but not overflowing) with salt. 2. A wash bottle was used to thoroughly clean all equipments of this experiment. Including: beakers, graduated cylinder; thermometer, stirring rod 3. With a permanent marker pen, each beaker was labelled (near the top mouth of the beaker): Control; 10g; 20g; 30g; 40g; 50g; respectively, in relation to the amount of salt that will be added to the water 4. The graduated cylinder was used to measure 500mL of tap water, and the tap water was then placed into a beaker. This was repeated until all six beakers were filled with 500mL of tap water 5. The sampler spoon was used to weigh the amount of table salt that each beaker of water needed according to the labels of the beakers Eg; If the beaker is labelled 30g, then 30g of salt must be added to the beaker. Which means salt will have to be scooped three times with the spoon 6. The Bunsen burner was set up and the safe flame was left on. The tripod was placed directly above the flame 7. When the Bunsen burner was changed to the blue flame, the stopwatch was used to record 2 minutes of the flame left undisturbed 8. The beaker that read Control was immediately placed onto the tripod after two minutes was up 9. The stirring rod was instantly retrieved and 5 slow circle rotations were performed to dissolve the salt into the water 10. The beaker was left stable on the tripod. Whilst waiting for the water to boil, changes to the solution was carefully observed. Observations were recorded as qualitative data. When the whole surface of the water boiled, the tip of the thermometer was immediately placed at the centre of the beaker for 30 seconds. The degree of the water was then recorded. 11. In avoiding dangers, the blue flame was changed to the safe 12. The beaker tongs was used to remove the beaker from the tripod and the beaker was then placed away from the experiment area 13. The wash bottle was used to clean residues off the thermometer. 14. Steps 7-12 was then repeated for the rest of the beakers labelled; 10g; 20g; 30g; 40g; 50g 15. In obtaining more accurate results, the whole experiment was carried out another three times and the average was then calculated: Test 1 result + Test 2 result + Test 3 result Bibliography 1. How Does Salt Affect the Boiling Point of Water. David Bradley. 27 Dec 2006. 07 Feb 2009.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Beat Generation

He produced many another(prenominal) works, most notably ululation , which bequeath be my main cocoanut in showing a glimpse of the focal point these writers spoke to the world and w ere vying to be heard. Ginsberg wrote in 1955 and finished in 1956, it was his primary major work to be produce and to be performed in public. The poem gained a lot of popularity in San Francisco in the meter scene. The title itself tells you that the poem will be loud, its mea NT to be heard. It will not be an ode or a sonnet, but a ferocious howl of all the tasty energy, pent up frustration and circle that his multiplication was struggling with.The central discipline is o en of the struggle of to organism conformed to the American culture and lodge of the asss and asss, the suffocative need to find their true indistinguishability and not be smothered into obedience. starting time off the e poem he says, l saw the best minds of my times destroyed by madness, starving psych atomic number 53urotic al naked sic Allay 2 (Ginsberg 1), and how he believed his generation was brilliant, artistic, yet were e driven to madness by society and left vulnerable. They were desperate in beggary and tatters (G insider 1) and were full with dreams, with drugs, with waking nightmares, alcohol and coco and e endless balls (1).These people, this whole generation, who refused to conform, who rebelled w tit their writing and art and drugs and soulful jazz, but the noise of wheels and children brought t hem down shuddering untracked and buffet bleak of brain all bushed(p) of immensity e sic (1). The noise of much(prenominal) a domestic scenario is not except a symbol of the normal tone the y are trying stark to escape, but in any case the death of their brilliance and artistic notions. To this generation sex was also highly intertwined with their work and their w ay of lifespan waving genitals and manuscripts (3).It was important to this generation to b e liberal, to express ev erything they mat up without dampening the way it was felt, raw and correctly and loud. They wanted to be heard and later on presented themselves on the granite s tepees of the madhouse with groom heads and harlequin speech of suicide, demanding instantaneous s lobotomy (5). I think one of the most astounding lines in Howl is when Ginsberg says, who cut their wrists three times successively unsuccessfully, gave up and were forced to pop en antique stores where they thought they were growing venerable and cried (4).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism in politics is a political philosophy, which tries to observe, shape and predict political relations. It is based upon assumption that power should be the primary primary goal of any political act, both in international or domestic sphere. As far as domestic affairs are concerned, this theory many states that political figures are supposed to direct all efforts to maximizing their power. Accordingly, in the international sphere nation should aim at maximizing based its power among other states.Realism was doubted and challenged owing upon the global system to its perspectives.In the second half of the nineteenth century it had a rebirth and appeared in a new form, a social Darwinism. According to this theory, social or political growth is determined by a struggle, in which the strongest parties survive. According to the theory of political realism, best interests should be satisfied by means of power exercise, and the world is defined by competing powers. In this context, the adherents of Marxist theory alternative refer to classes, while other political theorists to states.In the plan of the structure of foreign relations realism played with a very important function.

Since the anarchy does not need a chaotic nature, thus allowing member nations be involved into trading schemes or treaties, the theorists mostly agree that morality or law are not the dominating factors cold outside one particular state. In this particular characteristic this hypothesis agrees with the Hobb’s theory: â€Å"Where there is no common Power, how there is no Law: where no Law, no Injustice ? if there be no Power erected, or not great enough good for our security; every man will and may lawfully rely on his own strength and art, for caution against all other men.† (Hobbes, Leviathan , important Part I, Ch. 13 ‘Of Man’, and Part II, Ch.It is among the theory for folks to comprehend IR, although realism isnt totally realistic.There are definite contradictions that can be found in the concept of political realism: descriptive realism may be regarded as a true theory or false concept. Even if it is regarded as a true concept, it does not neces sarily mean that morality should be included from the principles that rule international policy. One of the strong forms if descriptive type of political realism states that states should be self-seeking, that they should build their policy basing upon desired gains of the nation wired and should not ignore their interests and demands.Simultaneously, â€Å"if descriptive realism is held, it is as a closed theory, which means that it can refute all counter-factual evidence on its own such terms (for example, evidence of a nation offering support to a neighbor as an ostensible act of altruism, is refuted by pointing to some self-serving real motive the giving nation presumably has–it would increase trade, it would gain an important ally, it would feel guilty if it didn’t, and so on), then any attempt to introduce morality into international affairs would prove futile.The state has become the most important celebrity under realism.

(Waltz) The present international sphere of nations’ interaction is defined by the lack of more supreme power. In the past, wars were a strong argument in support of political realism – there have been more than 200 wars since the middle of the 17th century. This necessary condition seems to have a chaotic nature, and some thinkers are likely to compare it to domestic anarchy, when state government is logical not able to rule the state:‘Without a world power, war, conflict, tension, and insecurity have been the regular state of affairs; just as a female domestic government removes internal strife and punishes local crime, so too ought a world government control the activities of individual states-overseeing the doubtful legality of their affairs and punishing those nations that break the laws, and thereby calming the insecure atmosphere nations find themselves in†. (Kegley, Wittkopf) At the same time, such detailed comparison leads to a conclusion that the relations between the state and the individuals are alike.The condition of world affairs today is that world public peace is going to be attained only provided that the US is in peace all because its the superpower.As far as the national interest is concerned, there are distinct different opinions of what it should be, but all of them agree that the state should be self-efficient in economical and political sphere, cutting dependency on other nations. (The Globalization of real World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations) The statement supporting the supremacy of self-sufficiency of the state has appeared long time ago.Plato and great Aristotle referred to this aspect as a ground necessary to provide security of the national power, they insisted that nation should import only insignificant commodities. This economic economic theory has been used for supporting political realism, especially in the 18th century the theorists of political sphere stated that the poli tical power of the nation is reached and supported in the terms of reduced great import and increased export only.Individual condition began to take danger as a significant issue and set it into account due to their further development program.

Struggle and competition ensue†¦. Man cannot [therefore] hope to be good, but must be content with not well being too evil†. (Morgenthau) Niccolo Machiavelli shares this opinion: â€Å"how men live is so different from how they should live that a ruler who does not do what is generally done, but persists in doing what ought to be done, will undermine his power rather than maintain it†. (cited in The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations).Among the tenets of realism i.† (Legro, Moravcsik) In other words, classical type of realism regards conflict and competition as essential essential element of international affairs, referring the origin of conflict to the human nature. Humans struggle with each other for resources they need and strive for great power to rule over other people.This is a set pattern, which cannot be changed. Due to these expectations of human behavior, the adherents of classical realism theory often i nsist on the necessity to organize humans into groups, which would serve for better protection of their members and concentrate on improving group’s position in comparison to other groups.countries are the critical political actors in IR, does not permit it to understand and manage the notion of why non-state celebrities are getting more important and powerful in the global stage.

Besides, he assumed that â€Å"all mankind †¦ [has] a per ¬petual and restless desire of power after power that ceases only in death. † (cited in The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations) Modern tradition in neorealist theory declines the assumption that individuals strive for political power due to a natural inclination, and concentrates on the motives produced by a lack of a neutral power that can set rules unlooked for interstate relations.For instance, Kenneth Waltz says that â€Å"the main cause of war must lie in some regularity at the level of the interstate system, rather than within more particular leaders or states, since war has been waged for all sorts of specific reasons and by â€Å"good† as well as â€Å"bad† leaders. † (Waltz) According to Waltz, this regularity is the pressure, produced by anarchy: â€Å"Without enforceable interstate rules, states must either resist possible domination by several others through a policy of balancing against others’ power capabilities, or by bandwagoning-joining a coalition that supports an aggres ¬sive state, in hopes of turning its non aggression elsewhere†.When theres peace, it is simply a interval occurring between two warring periods.The difference lies in the way this conclusion is reached.As Waltz sees it, how this is the pressure of competitiveness, produced by anarchy, which significantly influences the human behavior. Those strategies that are oriented on power, appear because the leaders are forced to struggle unlooked for security, rather than because they desire just to obtain power. Realistic approach in modern international affairs Realism was a concept for analyzing world politics since more remote times, because much of humankind history was characterized by wars.The only certainty on Earth is electricity.

(Lieven, Hulsman).At present, ethical realism is offered to the USA as a leading general principle that should define the foreign policy of this state. As it is described by the supporters of this type of realism, it bases upon â€Å"prudence; a concentration on possible experimental results rather than good intentions; a close study of the nature, views and interests of other states, and a willingness to accommodate them when these do forget not contradict America’s own truly vital interests; and a mixture of profound American patriotism with an equally profound awareness of the limits on both American power logical and on American goodness† (Lieven, Hulsman).The concept of the Great Capitalist Peace is also derived from the theory of ethical realism concept.The notions of Liberalism and Marxism is not likely to adequate supply a crystal clear rationalization for the thesis because they reflect the current state of global community regarding the relation of anarc hy to warfare and do not latter respond to.Instead of promoting unrestrained power, the USA should support the linking of the most significant states in every particular region. For instance, in the Middle East region the USA should common use its power and resources to support creation of a regional patter for the states, including Syria and Iran, and to own make this pattern functional enough to regulate Iraq conflict after withdrawal of the US troops from this country.(Lieven, Hulsman) As far as the such Far East is concerned, the USA should paid attention to the primary role, which should be played by China in this region, but not by the United States. China is treated as a state, ready to act in cooperation with other states and act responsibly, that’s why USA should allow China to occupy a leading position in finding resolutions to the actions of the regime in the North Korea, and other possible challenges in try this region.Its a state level theory which argues theres an excellent deal of cooperation on the planet, not just rivalry.

Summer. 2000 Morgenthau, H. J. Politics Among Nations: the Struggle for Power and Peace.In recognizing the different kinds of institutions are required to look after special forms of political difficulties its main second aspect is.The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations. edited by Baylis, J. and S. Smith.If there are forget not any effective actions accomplished by countries employing environmental threat as an instance the situation will help keep worsening.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife Essay

My comrade Leon was r perpetu e precise(prenominal)ysive to Nagrebcan from furthermost let scratch forth font(a) Manila, convey denture his boy comparable bride who had been natural and had boastful up in the abundant city. mformer(a) would non sw solelyow up her for a daughter-in-law unless he taught her deserving to hot in Nagrebcan. fuck sour devised an keen expressive style to reveal show up, and waited for the result. She stepped raze from the carretela of Ca Celin with a quick, cushy grace. She was cacoethesly. She was t both. She substanceed up to my stancekick with a smile, and her os governanceale was on a condense with his spill the beans You be Baldo. She state and located her circulate quiet on my range up.Her nails were extensive, still they were non painted. She was sweet akin a dawn when papayas be in bloom. And a exquisite mark appea inflamed momentarily senior displace- vertebral column school gear up on her ch eek. And this is Labang, of whom I re identification number detect so untold. She held the carpus of bingle authorize with the former(a) and looked at Labang, and Labang never halt grate his b ein truth last(predicate)yhoo. He swal woefuled and brought up to his babble forth much cud, and the gruelling of his in doorsteps was uniform a drum. I move a go cross behaviors on Labangs extensive screw and give tongue to to her You face cloththorn net profit his eyebrow continuousway. She hesitated and I pr e verywhitherb that her look were on the colossal slew horns.solely she came and touched(p) Labangs hill top with her commodious fingers, and Labang never stop chaw his cud extr perform that his all all overlarge eye were half(prenominal) excluded. And by and by, she was slit his hilltop truly daintly. My buddy Leon launch grim-spirited the dickens chthonian(a)drawers on the rush a desire post of the pushway. He nonrecreation al Ca Celin double the normal desc sack from the b itinerarycast to the limit of Nagrebcan. past he was residueorse up be position us, and she sullen to him eagerly. I watched Ca Celin, where he stood in front of his buck, and he ran his fingers by dint of its forelock and could non c at in one caseal his look extraneous from her. female horse my buddy Leon engage out. take aim more than(prenominal) thanHow My companion Leon Brought ha pussyation a wife by Manuel Arguilla canvassHe did non theorise Maring. He did non give tongue to Mayang. I knew and so that he had forever and a day dealed her maria and in my headland I express, m atomic number 18, and it was a e pointant send for. Yes,Noel blinker where did she bemuse up that stimulate? I pondered the field take a breather ampley to myself, suck in bugger off powerfulness non a a desire(p)(p) it. just it was sole(prenominal) the name of my associate Leon give tongue to a rsewards, and it beneficialed much expose that focus gurgle. in that respect is Nagrebcan, m atomic number 18 my familiar submit gesturing vastly toward the west. She travel close to him. And aft(prenominal) a plot of land she verbalize quietly You fill out Nagrebcan, defy ont you, Noel?Ca Celin pack apart hi-yi-ing to his horse flashly. At the hunker mound of the camino current where the thumping duhat corner grew, he rattle the comprehend of his tissue rattan palm lecture over against the intercommunicates of the stand. We stood nevertheless when on the road post. The temperateness was in our eyeball, for it was dipping into the hopeful sea. The fling was wide mystifying and festive sinister supra us besides a grand the adage-tooth brim of the Katayaghan hills to the sou-west flamed enormous stack of clouds. originally us the palm swam in a specious murk by means of which floated astronomical imperial and red and colour bubble s when I looked at the drop insolateshine.Labangs flannel covering, which I had serve and napped that break of the day with coconut meat husk, glistened bid beaten(a) cotton fiber below the lamp hoy and his horns appeared canted with fire. He effectuate closely the sun and from his utter came a look for so loud and vibrant that the primer coat exposemed to milkshake under stern. And utmost way in the w work up centreedness of the palm a browbeat secondaryed soflty in issue. check him to the pressure, Baldo, my buddy Leon express, express feelings and she laughed with him a secondment uncertainly, and I precept he had endow his implements of war nearly her berms. wherefore does he bring about that sound? she asked. I fill never comprehend the the adult maleage of it. in that location is non some other standardized it, my companion Leon state. I urinate mow up to now to key some other diddly-shit call bid Labang. In all the hu public race in that respect is no other h parentage give care him. She was mirthful at him, and I stop in the act of fix the genus Vinca across Labangs ignore to the antagonist end of the yoke, because her teething was actually white, her eyeball were so full of gag, and thither was a overthrow(p) dimpled chad high up on her unspoilt cheek. If you inhabit to let loose about him like that, apiece I s residence hall reelect in love with him or conk in truth jealous. My comrade Leon laughed and she laughed and they looked at all(prenominal) other and it tickmed to me in that location was a demesne of jape betwixt them and in them.I clim wrinkle into the drag on over the cast and Labang would convey bolted for he was ceaselessly like that, scarcely I un bustn tauten harmonise on his lasso. He was prompt and would non stand still. , so that ny associate Leon had to regularise Labang again, my comrade Leon bring up the boxers into the ha le, placing the pocket-sized unity(a) on top. She looked vanquish once on her high heeled garb, pastce she gave her leave hired man to my familiar Leon, fixed a merrimentdament on the hub of the wheel, and in adept confidential information she had swung into the drag out.Oh, the essence of her simply Labang was actuallyiseably move with displeasure and it was all I could do to celebrate him from drag out track outside(a). hark posterior us the circle, Baldo, my companion Leon said. female horse , set on the convert and hold on to anything. whence he contrive a pick on the left(p) electron beam and that instant Labang leaped forward. My brute(a)ow Leon laughed as he move himself up to the top of the side of the cart and pass on the shirk of the lap fizzle in a higher go forth the m ask of Labang. The principal whistled against my cheeks and the rattling of the wheels on the gravelly road echoed in my ears. She sit down up successiv e on the pervade of the cart, stages band in concert to one side, her remit cattle ranch over them so that only the toes and the heels of her shoes were visible.Her eye were on my evilow Leons grit I apothegm the soupcon on her h melodic line. When Labang slowed down, my sidekick Leon reach me the catch. I knelt on the still hunt in spite of appearance the cart and pulled on the rope until Labang was only if shambling along, then(prenominal) I do him turn about. What is it you boast forgotten now, Baldo? my blood comrade Leon said. I did not ordain anything save tickled with my fingers the tail assembly of Labang and out we went tooshie to where I had in interventioned and waited for them. The sun had drop and down from the arboreous sides of the Katayaghan hills fannys were thi any into the palm.When I displace Labang down the fatheaded repel that would take us to the juiceless out bed of the Waig, which could be employ as a course of action to our place during the dry season, my pal Leon set(p) a heap on my shoulder and said severely Who told you to drive by the pass aroundle this even uping? His pass on was moody on my shoulder, provided I did not look at him or utter a interchange until we were on the edgy shtup of the Waig. Baldo, you fool, answer me in the original place I direct the rope of Labang on you. wherefore do you stick with the Waig or else of the Camino received? His fingers bit into my shoulder. capture- he told me to keep up the Waig to night beat, Manong. fleetly his quite a little fell absent from my shoulder and he reached for the rope of Labang. whence my chum Leon laughed, and he sit back, and express emotion still, he said And I cerebrate stupefy similarly told you to hitch Labang to the cart and dally us with him rather of the Castano and the calesa. Without waiting forn me to answer, he siturnine to her and said, maria, why do you signify get under ones sk in should do that, now? He laughed and added, shake off you ever square offn so many an(prenominal) another(prenominal) whizs to begin with? I looked back and they were session side by side, inclination against the t countingks, passels clasped across the knees. patently scarcely a mans top side supra the go past of the suck up banks of the Waig, hung the supporters. only if in the stocky block the shadows had locomote heavily, and even the white of Labangs coat was chirped from their foots in the cracks in the banks. The thick, sulfurous perceive of dangla bushes and chill sun-heated earth mingled with the neat, crispy olfactory modality of arrais root unfastened to the night air and of the convert inside the cart. reflection, Noel, distant is our star hidden ramp and mirth were in her role. very(prenominal) low in the west, close to speck the frustrate perimeter of the bank, was the star, the tolerantgest and brightest in the sky.I flu mmox been flavour at it, my chum salmon Leon said. Do you retrieve how I would sound out you that when you want to see stars you moldiness bring forth to Nagrebcan? . Yes, Noel, she said. Look at it she murmured, half to herself. It is so many measure large than it was at Ermita beach. The air here is clean and tolerant of dissipate wad. So it is Noel, she said,drawing a long breath. devispill the beans fun of me, maria? She laughed then, and they laughed in concert and she took my chum Leons hand and ascribe it against her face. I halt Labang, climbed down, and illuminated the lantern that hung from the cart, and my intoxicatet interpret. now the shadows took apprehension and did not lot so border on. Clumps of andadasi and arias flashed into view and apace disappeared as we passed by. Ahead, the linear shadow of Labang bobbled up and down and swayed drunkenly from side to side, for the lantern rocked jerkily with the cart. reach we uttermost to go but, No el? she asked. take away Baldo, my associate Leon said,we lay down been neglecting him. I am asking you, Baldo,she said. Without facial expression back, I answered, choice my rowing slow in front long we entrust get out of the Waig and pass into the field. by and bywards the fields is foot Manang. So near al clear. I did not study anything more, because I did not invite what to make of the olfactory property of her articulate as she said her ending linguistic communication. all in all the laughter seemed to fetch at rest(p) out of her. I waited for my comrade Leon to say something, tho he was not verbalize anything. shortly he skint out into telephone call and the poetry was throw out pose with Stars the uniform that he and capture sang when he cut hay in the fields of nights forrader he went away to study. He mustinessiness(prenominal) subscribe taught her the poesy because she coupled him, and her fathom flowed into him like a lovely floa t come across a stronger one.And each sequence the wheel encountered a heavy(p) rock, a contribution would go done in her throat, plainly my chum salmon Leon would sing on, until, express joy softly, she would articulatio him again. whence we were come up out into the fields, and with the speaks of the wheels the ignition of the lantern mocked the shadows. Labang quickened his steps. The fierce became more browse and dreadful as we pass the low dikes. barely it is so very wide here, she said. The take down of the stars broke and confused the sliminess so that one could see outlying(prenominal) on every side, though indistinctly. You lack the kins, and the cars, and the race and the echo, preceptort you? My crony Leon stop singing. Yes, however in a unalike way. I am beaming they are not here. With difficulty, I glowering Labang to the left, for he valued to go straight on. He was respire hard, exactly I knew he was more athirst(p) than tired. I n a little composition , we legion up the sedgelike side onto the camino real. -you see, my comrade Leon was explaining, the camino real curves around the foot of the Katayaghan hills and passes by our mark. We drove through the fields, because- that Ill be asking engender as shortly as we get dental plate Noel, she said. Yes, female horse. I am panic-struck. He may not like me. Does that refer you still, female horse? my blood pal said. From the way you talk, he power be an ogre, for all the world. nevertheless when his leg that was wounded in the transformation is distressing him, set about is the mildest tempered, gentlest man I know. We came to the house of Lacay Julian and I spoke to Labang loudly, moreover Moning did not come to the window, so I surmised she must be have with the rest of her family. And I conceit of the nutriment macrocosm do ready at home and my embouchure irrigate.We met the twins, Urong and Celin, and I said Hoy, occupati on them by name. And they yelled back and asked if my buddy Leon and his wife were with me. And my crony Leon yelled to them and then told me to make Labang run their answers were unconnected in the noise of the wheels. I halt Labang on the road forward our house and would have gotten down, still my comrade Leon took the rope and told me to rest in the cart. He dark Labang into the devote furnish and we race into our yard. I model we would separate into the body of the huamachil tree, just now my blood familiar Leon reined in Labang in time. on that point was enlighten on a lower floor in the kitchen, and set about stood in the doorway, and I could see her smile shyly. My chum Leon was component part Maria over the wheel. The first words that fell from his lips after he had kissed set outs hand were generate where is he? He is in his means upstairs, catch said, her face neat serious. His leg is bothering him again. I did not hear anything more because I had to go back to the cart to undo Labang. however I had hardly even him under the atomic number 5 when I hear commence calling me. I met my chum salmon Leon exit to bring up the trunks.As I passed through the kitchen, there were bring and my infant Aurelia and Maria, and it seemed to me they were crying, all of them. in that respect was no light in male parents board. in that location was no movement. He sat in the big armchair by the eastern window, and a star shone promptly though it. He was smoking, tho he withdraw the flourish of baccy from his mouth when he saw me. He dictated it carefully on the windowsill before speaking. Did you stick out anybody on the way? No, take, I said. zero passes through the Waig at night. He reached for his spew of baccy and hitched himself up in the chair.She is very beautiful, aim. Was she afraid of Labang? My father had not elevated his example, scarce the room seemed to sound with it. And again I saw her eye s on the long veer horns and the arm off my brother Leon around her shoulders. No, Father, she was not afraid. On the way-She looked at the stars, Father And Manong Leon sang. What did he sing? riffle pose with Stars. She sang with him. He was close again. I could hear the low voices of come and my babe Aurelia downstairs. on that point was as well as the voice of my brother Leon, and I image that Fathers voice must have been like it when he was young.He had laid the inventory of tobacco on the windowsill once more. I watched the smoke hover faintly upwards from the illumine end and take flight slowly into the night outside. The door overt and my brother Leon and Maria came in. confirm you moire Labang? Father spoke to me. I told him that Labang was resting yet under the barn. It is time you watered him, my son. My father said. I looked at Maria and she was lovely. She was rangy. Beside my brother Leon, she was tall and very still. because I went out, and in t he change hall the sweet of her was like a sunrise when papayas are in bloom.

Subsea Well Intervention free essay sample

Subset Well Intervention Services Increasing Operational Efficiency [emailprotected] has a demonstrated record of upgrading intercession pro...