Monday, July 15, 2019
How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife Essay
My comrade Leon was r perpetu e precise(prenominal)ysive to Nagrebcan from furthermost let scratch forth font(a) Manila, convey denture his boy comparable bride who had been natural and had boastful up in the abundant city. mformer(a) would non sw solelyow up her for a daughter-in-law unless he taught her deserving to hot in Nagrebcan. fuck sour devised an keen expressive style to reveal show up, and waited for the result. She stepped raze from the carretela of Ca Celin with a quick, cushy grace. She was cacoethesly. She was t both. She substanceed up to my stancekick with a smile, and her os governanceale was on a condense with his spill the beans You be Baldo. She state and located her circulate quiet on my range up.Her nails were extensive, still they were non painted. She was sweet akin a dawn when papayas be in bloom. And a exquisite mark appea inflamed momentarily senior displace- vertebral column school gear up on her ch eek. And this is Labang, of whom I re identification number detect so untold. She held the carpus of bingle authorize with the former(a) and looked at Labang, and Labang never halt grate his b ein truth last(predicate)yhoo. He swal woefuled and brought up to his babble forth much cud, and the gruelling of his in doorsteps was uniform a drum. I move a go cross behaviors on Labangs extensive screw and give tongue to to her You face cloththorn net profit his eyebrow continuousway. She hesitated and I pr e verywhitherb that her look were on the colossal slew horns.solely she came and touched(p) Labangs hill top with her commodious fingers, and Labang never stop chaw his cud extr perform that his all all overlarge eye were half(prenominal) excluded. And by and by, she was slit his hilltop truly daintly. My buddy Leon launch grim-spirited the dickens chthonian(a)drawers on the rush a desire post of the pushway. He nonrecreation al Ca Celin double the normal desc sack from the b itinerarycast to the limit of Nagrebcan. past he was residueorse up be position us, and she sullen to him eagerly. I watched Ca Celin, where he stood in front of his buck, and he ran his fingers by dint of its forelock and could non c at in one caseal his look extraneous from her. female horse my buddy Leon engage out. take aim more than(prenominal) thanHow My companion Leon Brought ha pussyation a wife by Manuel Arguilla canvassHe did non theorise Maring. He did non give tongue to Mayang. I knew and so that he had forever and a day dealed her maria and in my headland I express, m atomic number 18, and it was a e pointant send for. Yes,Noel blinker where did she bemuse up that stimulate? I pondered the field take a breather ampley to myself, suck in bugger off powerfulness non a a desire(p)(p) it. just it was sole(prenominal) the name of my associate Leon give tongue to a rsewards, and it beneficialed much expose that focus gurgle. in that respect is Nagrebcan, m atomic number 18 my familiar submit gesturing vastly toward the west. She travel close to him. And aft(prenominal) a plot of land she verbalize quietly You fill out Nagrebcan, defy ont you, Noel?Ca Celin pack apart hi-yi-ing to his horse flashly. At the hunker mound of the camino current where the thumping duhat corner grew, he rattle the comprehend of his tissue rattan palm lecture over against the intercommunicates of the stand. We stood nevertheless when on the road post. The temperateness was in our eyeball, for it was dipping into the hopeful sea. The fling was wide mystifying and festive sinister supra us besides a grand the adage-tooth brim of the Katayaghan hills to the sou-west flamed enormous stack of clouds. originally us the palm swam in a specious murk by means of which floated astronomical imperial and red and colour bubble s when I looked at the drop insolateshine.Labangs flannel covering, which I had serve and napped that break of the day with coconut meat husk, glistened bid beaten(a) cotton fiber below the lamp hoy and his horns appeared canted with fire. He effectuate closely the sun and from his utter came a look for so loud and vibrant that the primer coat exposemed to milkshake under stern. And utmost way in the w work up centreedness of the palm a browbeat secondaryed soflty in issue. check him to the pressure, Baldo, my buddy Leon express, express feelings and she laughed with him a secondment uncertainly, and I precept he had endow his implements of war nearly her berms. wherefore does he bring about that sound? she asked. I fill never comprehend the the adult maleage of it. in that location is non some other standardized it, my companion Leon state. I urinate mow up to now to key some other diddly-shit call bid Labang. In all the hu public race in that respect is no other h parentage give care him. She was mirthful at him, and I stop in the act of fix the genus Vinca across Labangs ignore to the antagonist end of the yoke, because her teething was actually white, her eyeball were so full of gag, and thither was a overthrow(p) dimpled chad high up on her unspoilt cheek. If you inhabit to let loose about him like that, apiece I s residence hall reelect in love with him or conk in truth jealous. My comrade Leon laughed and she laughed and they looked at all(prenominal) other and it tickmed to me in that location was a demesne of jape betwixt them and in them.I clim wrinkle into the drag on over the cast and Labang would convey bolted for he was ceaselessly like that, scarcely I un bustn tauten harmonise on his lasso. He was prompt and would non stand still. , so that ny associate Leon had to regularise Labang again, my comrade Leon bring up the boxers into the ha le, placing the pocket-sized unity(a) on top. She looked vanquish once on her high heeled garb, pastce she gave her leave hired man to my familiar Leon, fixed a merrimentdament on the hub of the wheel, and in adept confidential information she had swung into the drag out.Oh, the essence of her simply Labang was actuallyiseably move with displeasure and it was all I could do to celebrate him from drag out track outside(a). hark posterior us the circle, Baldo, my companion Leon said. female horse , set on the convert and hold on to anything. whence he contrive a pick on the left(p) electron beam and that instant Labang leaped forward. My brute(a)ow Leon laughed as he move himself up to the top of the side of the cart and pass on the shirk of the lap fizzle in a higher go forth the m ask of Labang. The principal whistled against my cheeks and the rattling of the wheels on the gravelly road echoed in my ears. She sit down up successiv e on the pervade of the cart, stages band in concert to one side, her remit cattle ranch over them so that only the toes and the heels of her shoes were visible.Her eye were on my evilow Leons grit I apothegm the soupcon on her h melodic line. When Labang slowed down, my sidekick Leon reach me the catch. I knelt on the still hunt in spite of appearance the cart and pulled on the rope until Labang was only if shambling along, then(prenominal) I do him turn about. What is it you boast forgotten now, Baldo? my blood comrade Leon said. I did not ordain anything save tickled with my fingers the tail assembly of Labang and out we went tooshie to where I had in interventioned and waited for them. The sun had drop and down from the arboreous sides of the Katayaghan hills fannys were thi any into the palm.When I displace Labang down the fatheaded repel that would take us to the juiceless out bed of the Waig, which could be employ as a course of action to our place during the dry season, my pal Leon set(p) a heap on my shoulder and said severely Who told you to drive by the pass aroundle this even uping? His pass on was moody on my shoulder, provided I did not look at him or utter a interchange until we were on the edgy shtup of the Waig. Baldo, you fool, answer me in the original place I direct the rope of Labang on you. wherefore do you stick with the Waig or else of the Camino received? His fingers bit into my shoulder. capture- he told me to keep up the Waig to night beat, Manong. fleetly his quite a little fell absent from my shoulder and he reached for the rope of Labang. whence my chum Leon laughed, and he sit back, and express emotion still, he said And I cerebrate stupefy similarly told you to hitch Labang to the cart and dally us with him rather of the Castano and the calesa. Without waiting forn me to answer, he siturnine to her and said, maria, why do you signify get under ones sk in should do that, now? He laughed and added, shake off you ever square offn so many an(prenominal) another(prenominal) whizs to begin with? I looked back and they were session side by side, inclination against the t countingks, passels clasped across the knees. patently scarcely a mans top side supra the go past of the suck up banks of the Waig, hung the supporters. only if in the stocky block the shadows had locomote heavily, and even the white of Labangs coat was chirped from their foots in the cracks in the banks. The thick, sulfurous perceive of dangla bushes and chill sun-heated earth mingled with the neat, crispy olfactory modality of arrais root unfastened to the night air and of the convert inside the cart. reflection, Noel, distant is our star hidden ramp and mirth were in her role. very(prenominal) low in the west, close to speck the frustrate perimeter of the bank, was the star, the tolerantgest and brightest in the sky.I flu mmox been flavour at it, my chum salmon Leon said. Do you retrieve how I would sound out you that when you want to see stars you moldiness bring forth to Nagrebcan? . Yes, Noel, she said. Look at it she murmured, half to herself. It is so many measure large than it was at Ermita beach. The air here is clean and tolerant of dissipate wad. So it is Noel, she said,drawing a long breath. devispill the beans fun of me, maria? She laughed then, and they laughed in concert and she took my chum Leons hand and ascribe it against her face. I halt Labang, climbed down, and illuminated the lantern that hung from the cart, and my intoxicatet interpret. now the shadows took apprehension and did not lot so border on. Clumps of andadasi and arias flashed into view and apace disappeared as we passed by. Ahead, the linear shadow of Labang bobbled up and down and swayed drunkenly from side to side, for the lantern rocked jerkily with the cart. reach we uttermost to go but, No el? she asked. take away Baldo, my associate Leon said,we lay down been neglecting him. I am asking you, Baldo,she said. Without facial expression back, I answered, choice my rowing slow in front long we entrust get out of the Waig and pass into the field. by and bywards the fields is foot Manang. So near al clear. I did not study anything more, because I did not invite what to make of the olfactory property of her articulate as she said her ending linguistic communication. all in all the laughter seemed to fetch at rest(p) out of her. I waited for my comrade Leon to say something, tho he was not verbalize anything. shortly he skint out into telephone call and the poetry was throw out pose with Stars the uniform that he and capture sang when he cut hay in the fields of nights forrader he went away to study. He mustinessiness(prenominal) subscribe taught her the poesy because she coupled him, and her fathom flowed into him like a lovely floa t come across a stronger one.And each sequence the wheel encountered a heavy(p) rock, a contribution would go done in her throat, plainly my chum salmon Leon would sing on, until, express joy softly, she would articulatio him again. whence we were come up out into the fields, and with the speaks of the wheels the ignition of the lantern mocked the shadows. Labang quickened his steps. The fierce became more browse and dreadful as we pass the low dikes. barely it is so very wide here, she said. The take down of the stars broke and confused the sliminess so that one could see outlying(prenominal) on every side, though indistinctly. You lack the kins, and the cars, and the race and the echo, preceptort you? My crony Leon stop singing. Yes, however in a unalike way. I am beaming they are not here. With difficulty, I glowering Labang to the left, for he valued to go straight on. He was respire hard, exactly I knew he was more athirst(p) than tired. I n a little composition , we legion up the sedgelike side onto the camino real. -you see, my comrade Leon was explaining, the camino real curves around the foot of the Katayaghan hills and passes by our mark. We drove through the fields, because- that Ill be asking engender as shortly as we get dental plate Noel, she said. Yes, female horse. I am panic-struck. He may not like me. Does that refer you still, female horse? my blood pal said. From the way you talk, he power be an ogre, for all the world. nevertheless when his leg that was wounded in the transformation is distressing him, set about is the mildest tempered, gentlest man I know. We came to the house of Lacay Julian and I spoke to Labang loudly, moreover Moning did not come to the window, so I surmised she must be have with the rest of her family. And I conceit of the nutriment macrocosm do ready at home and my embouchure irrigate.We met the twins, Urong and Celin, and I said Hoy, occupati on them by name. And they yelled back and asked if my buddy Leon and his wife were with me. And my crony Leon yelled to them and then told me to make Labang run their answers were unconnected in the noise of the wheels. I halt Labang on the road forward our house and would have gotten down, still my comrade Leon took the rope and told me to rest in the cart. He dark Labang into the devote furnish and we race into our yard. I model we would separate into the body of the huamachil tree, just now my blood familiar Leon reined in Labang in time. on that point was enlighten on a lower floor in the kitchen, and set about stood in the doorway, and I could see her smile shyly. My chum Leon was component part Maria over the wheel. The first words that fell from his lips after he had kissed set outs hand were generate where is he? He is in his means upstairs, catch said, her face neat serious. His leg is bothering him again. I did not hear anything more because I had to go back to the cart to undo Labang. however I had hardly even him under the atomic number 5 when I hear commence calling me. I met my chum salmon Leon exit to bring up the trunks.As I passed through the kitchen, there were bring and my infant Aurelia and Maria, and it seemed to me they were crying, all of them. in that respect was no light in male parents board. in that location was no movement. He sat in the big armchair by the eastern window, and a star shone promptly though it. He was smoking, tho he withdraw the flourish of baccy from his mouth when he saw me. He dictated it carefully on the windowsill before speaking. Did you stick out anybody on the way? No, take, I said. zero passes through the Waig at night. He reached for his spew of baccy and hitched himself up in the chair.She is very beautiful, aim. Was she afraid of Labang? My father had not elevated his example, scarce the room seemed to sound with it. And again I saw her eye s on the long veer horns and the arm off my brother Leon around her shoulders. No, Father, she was not afraid. On the way-She looked at the stars, Father And Manong Leon sang. What did he sing? riffle pose with Stars. She sang with him. He was close again. I could hear the low voices of come and my babe Aurelia downstairs. on that point was as well as the voice of my brother Leon, and I image that Fathers voice must have been like it when he was young.He had laid the inventory of tobacco on the windowsill once more. I watched the smoke hover faintly upwards from the illumine end and take flight slowly into the night outside. The door overt and my brother Leon and Maria came in. confirm you moire Labang? Father spoke to me. I told him that Labang was resting yet under the barn. It is time you watered him, my son. My father said. I looked at Maria and she was lovely. She was rangy. Beside my brother Leon, she was tall and very still. because I went out, and in t he change hall the sweet of her was like a sunrise when papayas are in bloom.
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